Discovering Meghalaya's Folklore: Legends of Top Tourist Destinations

Nestled in the northeastern part of India lies Meghalaya, a land veiled in mist and steeped in mystery. Known as the "Abode of Clouds," this captivating state is not just famous for its breathtaking landscapes and unique culture but also for its rich tapestry of mythological stories that intertwine with its many tourist destinations. Many tourist destinations in Meghalaya have rich folklore. Join us as we uncover the mythical tales behind some of Meghalaya’s most iconic places and provide you with essential travel tips to plan your visit. 

Exploring Sustainable Tourism in Meghalaya, India: Embracing Ecological Tourism

Meghalaya, the "Abode of Clouds," is a breathtaking destination known for its lush landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich biodivers...